Want us to hear you? Please send links to demos via our Guest Book

As a small post-productions independent record company, we focus on releasing, distributing and promoting our existing artists, while keeping an ear out for new artists to take on.
You would want a label to spend time on you, not on wading through all sorts of submissions (we find these range from ideal to scatter-gun approaches from acts we are not the best choice for) wouldn’t you?
Therefore, we have come up with a fair and trasparent route, where we can hear, view and discuss every artist that comes through a funnel that works at a speed we can handle. This comes with the added bonus of radio play in Cornwall and online for music we like.
If you have online presence, you will be tagged in a playlist when we play your song.
Please note: we are only considering songs through the Guest Book, found on the homepage of our site. This way we can:
- Hear your demo on Soundcloud or Bandcamp.
- Look at your online presence
- See how you promote your music and your gigs on social media.
- See how you present yourselves in terms of background info, links, signposting to buy music, photos, merchandise.
We will be in touch with you.
Before we sign an artist, we would ourselves online look for:
- A brief introduction to your music act saying, in one sentence a). where you are from/based 2. When you started making music 3. what you are doing at the moment with your music (touring/recording/writing etc) 5. your 3 biggest influences (artists/songs).
- A link to a free, quickly accessible, website (ones we use frequently, preferably Soundcloud or Bandcamp) where some previous releases can be heard to get an idea of your sound.
- If you have a forthcoming release in the pipeline, you are welcome to attach an MP3 to your email with filenamed “Artist Name – Track Name.mp3” if you would like it considered for radio play in Cornwall and online.
- Links to the social media profiles or handles you currently use for your music promotion (not personal), e.g.: a). Facebook – your music page name and profile picture b). @yourTwitterhandle c). Instagram d). Pinterest etc.
- URL link to your current website. Please also provide a direct URL to your band/artist photo gallery.
- URL links to any other music site profiles you use to sell or present your music, for eg YouTube, Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, ReverbNation, Beatport, Mixcloud, MySpace etc. We need at least 1 of these for consideration. The more the better of course.